College & Career

Scholarship Listings

Scholarship Link for Seniors

Fast Web, scholarship search site for all grade levels.

AP Credit Policy Search

Find colleges and universities that offer credit or placement for AP scores. Begin your search by entering the name of the institution and find the most up-to-date AP credit policy information, be sure to check the institution’s website.

NCAA-National Collegiate Athletic Association  -  explore for more information and eligibility criteria.

Western Undergraduate Exchange(WUE)

WUE (pronounced “woo-wee”) is the Western Undergraduate Exchange, a program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Through WUE, students in western states may enroll in more than 150 two-year and four-year college institutions at a reduced tuition level. WUE reduced tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Many institutions limit the number of new WUE awards each academic year, so apply early! WICHE members include: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Youth Resource for a Higher Education

Consumer Affairs Best Online Colleges for 2016

America’s Top Military Friendly Colleges

College Career Prep Process

Student College Career Checklist

Compare Colleges
Compare Colorado colleges.

Common Application
Serves students, member institutions, and secondary schools by providing applications – online and in print – that students and school officials may submit to any of our more than 400 members.

Look for the College That’s Right for You…


CollegeMeasures’ 4-year college data tool presents key performance measures for four-year colleges in the United States. Areas of interest include: student success, college efficiency, college productivity and employment outcomes. Our goal is to present data that are informative, thought-provoking and easily understood.

Affordable Colleges Online
An organization dedicated to providing free higher education tools for current and future college students and their families, recently published research on all the not-for-profit universities and colleges in Colorado that offer online college programs

Engineering Schools
Here is a list of schools offering degree programs in Engineering.

Colleges, Scholarships and Online Degrees
Information on Colleges, Scholarships and Online Degrees

Guaranteed Scholarships

West Point

Steps to Admission

College Raptor

College Raptor is the only site that offers side-by-side comparisons of estimated financial aid packages, matching students to the right college for the best price.



Occupational Outlook O*NET Online

Juniors take the State SAT in April, free of charge. Students wanting to take the SAT any other time, may register and pay for it online using this link, SAT Juniors will also take the PSAT in October for the The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) which is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). It’s a standardized test that provides first hand practice for the SAT® and also gives juniors a chance to qualify for the NMSC scholarship programs and gain access to college and career planning tools. Additionally, the PSAT is given to 9th and 10th grade students in October and March.

Test Prep

Test Prep
Whether your test is next week or next year, you can boost your test-taking confidence today using these resources.

SAT Prep
Khan Academy


MSHS offers an SAT seminar in March. Students are responsible for paying the seminar fee.

MSHS offers an ACT seminar in March. Students are responsible for paying the seminar fee.

College In Colorado also has great Test Prep activities.