Counseling Corner

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not!

Hello Mustang students and parents welcome to the Manitou Springs High School Counselor Corner!
We excited for the year ahead! We have tons of programs and information to send your way!

MSHS counselors strive to have an impact on student growth in three domain areas: academic, career and social/emotional development.

The Manitou Springs High School Counseling Department believes that ALL STUDENTS:

  • Have dignity and worth
  • Should have their ethnic, cultural and racial differences and needs considered and respected
  • Have the right to be served by the counseling program
  • Should have access to a school counselor to discuss personal concerns
  • Should have access to information about college and career planning
  • Have the right to assistance in identifying their needs in the personal/ social area
  • Should have the opportunity to make choices, provided they are within the constraints of the educational system
  • Should be empowered to monitor their own educational progress with the assistance of a school counselor

As school counselors, we fulfill many roles to promote positive development in academic, college and career, and social/Emotional areas. We provide:

  • Individual counseling
  • Small group counseling
  • Participate in student success, MTSS and intervention meetings
  • Observe students in various school environments
  • Consult and collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators, social workers and students
  • Respond to school crises and emergency situations
  • Provide information and resources to parents
  • Support students in the classroom and extracurricular activities
  • Collaborate with community resources

We are proud to serve the Manitou Springs students, families and community! If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email us, we are more than happy to help!

Meet your counselor:
Chris Lewis (A-K)  719. 685-2015 [email protected]
Ms. Alisha Strupp (L-Z), Phone: 719.685.2059, [email protected]

A-K Counselor Request (Mr. Lewis)
L-Z Counselor Request(Mrs. Strupp) 

When Questions Arise
Often parents are uncertain about whom to contact in order to answer a question or pursue a concern. The following guidelines are designed to provide clarification:

  • Contact the teacher for a question regarding a child’s classroom progress.
  • Contact the counselor for a question regarding a child’s personal adjustment, future plans, schedule, etc. The counselor is the key communication link between the home and the school.
A student may see a counselor about:
  •  School concerns: Classroom related problems, academic placement, achievement and/or scheduling.

  • Personal issues: Peer pressure, self-esteem, relationships, loss and separation, and/or transitions.
Helpful resources:
The Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) and partners are proud to launch I Matter, a program that provides up to three free counseling sessions for Colorado youth.
The Colorado Crisis Services hotline has counselors available to talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255. Or visit the Colorado Crisis Services website to learn more about how to speak with a counselor.
(Make a report. Make a difference)
(2-1-1 is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to vital resources across the state. No matter where you live in Colorado, you can find information about resources in your local community.)

Need help linking your CANVAS to your Students? Click here to be able to monitor grades

Counseling Secretary: 
Mrs. Meleah Perkins, Counseling Secretary Phone 719.685.2067, [email protected]

We look forward to meeting with you!